Friday, July 10, 2009

"Call of the Wild"--Movie options

These are three well-known movies about the book.
1. Made in 1972, starring Charlton Heston as John Thornton.
2. Made in 1992, starring Rick Schroeder as John Thornton.
3. Made in 1997, starring Rutger Hauer as John Thornton.

There are several other movie versions, also, since the book is very well-loved and popular.

The one we will probably watch in class is option #3, for getting the best reviews and being the closest to the story in the book.

If you want to watch #1 at home on your own, click on the link in Yetterboe's favorite links, for a full-length version of the movie from

Remember that all movie versions always change the book a little or sometimes a lot.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer School, July 2009

Hi! This is my blog for summer school. On it you can find assignments, cool links and homework help for geography. This summer's topic is U.S. geography. Check back here for everything you need to know to have a GREAT time in my summer school class!

If you ever need to e-mail me, use my home e-mail of:

Also, be sure to check out my other blog, for our gardening club
on my link list.
Feel free to join us at our garden every week!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sarah, Plain and Tall

Here are a few cool websites about the book:

Also, if you liked the movie, there are two others in the series:

Both the other movies have the same actors playing all the same roles.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Latitude and Longitude

On the assignment today, you will be writing the latitude and longitude of cities in the U.S. To find the latitude and longitude go to website below:

Write the Latitude and Longitude like this:

46 N 92 W (Do not add the other numbers on the list)

When you have found all the latitude and longitudes, put the names of the cities on the map with a star for the location.

When you are done putting the cities on the map, you can check the locations with this website:

Sunday, June 17, 2007

June 12, 2008

Hi! This is our summer school blog for Ms. Yetterboe's class.

Today in the computer lab, you will be looking for information about Maine or Kansas. The sites below will help you get started on finding information about Kansas, Jacob Whitting's home state; or Maine, Sarah Wheaton's home state.

We will compare both states later in class.

Don't try to find all the information at once. You might have to look in a few different sites to get all the information you want. You can also use Google to find specific facts.